# reamparser.js

reamparser.js(opens new window) is a parser and emitter for REAM written in JavaScript.

NOTE: REAM-editor(opens new window) ships with reamparser.js and does not required a local copy of the parser.

# Reqruiements

  • node.js
  • commander.js if using the CLI tool parsemd

# Installation

$ git clone https://github.com/chmlee/reamparser.js

# Usage

# Import as module

// const fs = require('fs');
// fileText = fs.readFileSync('path/to/REAM/file', 'utf8')

const { MdFile } = require('path/to/ream.min.js');

const mdFile = new MdFile(fileText);
const mdCSV = mdFile.toCSV();


The CLI tool parsemd requires commander. Install commander with npm:

$ npm install commander

parsemd take a path as an argument, and output the compiled CSV as stdout.

$ path/to/parsemd path/to/input.md

To save the output, pipe the stdout to a file:

$ path/to/parsemd path/to/input.md > path/to/output.csv

# Benchmark

The parser is fairly fast. It compiles a 10000 rows * 360 columns dataset in about 7 seconds, and can be as fast as 3 seconds if utilizes REAM's inheritance feature in my benchmark.

To test it, first generate the eight benchmark REAM files with generator.py(opens new window) . They are identical in content, but with different schemas. You can use any benchmark tools you desire. If you are using hyperfine(opens new window) , the script I use is available: benchmark_hf.sh(opens new window) .

The results are as follow:

benchmark benchmark benchmark

(Intel i7-6700HQ, 8GB Memory, WSL2/Arch Linux with nodejs v15.2.0)