# Variable

All REAM file starts with a Level-1 Entry Header, in the form of

# <Level-1 Entry Header>

We will discuss what entries are later. For now, just see this as the title of your dataset.

<variable> assigns a <value> to a <key>, in the form of

- <key>: <value>

Note that a space is required after the dash and colon.

<key> can't be empty. It may contain any upper and lowercase letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9) and spaces (U+0020), but must start with a letter.

<value> can be any of the following types:

# String


# Example
- string: value
- long string: Hello World
- quoted string: "quote"

There is not need to quote strings. Quotation marks will be preserved.

Values can't contain line breaks. The following will raise an error:


# Example
- key 1: first line
         second line
- key 2: value
Known Issue

The current parser is able to parse the example. It will read everything before and including - key 1: first line, then stop parsing and return whatever has been parsed, ignoring the rest of the file. So the example is equivalent to:

# Example
- key 1: first line

Error handling will be improved in future versions.

# Number

Numbers are surrounded by dollar signs ($).


# Example
- number 1: $1$
- number 2: $-2$
- number 3: $3.1415926$

If characters are placed outside the dollar signs, the entire value will be stored as a string, preserving the dollar signs.


# Example
- number: $1$
- not number 1: a$1$
- not number 2: $1$b
Known Issue

The current parser will identify every value surrounded by dollar signs as a number. So

# Example
- number: $1$
- not a number: $abc$



instead of


even though abc is not a valid number.

Strict number type checking will be implemented in the future.

# Boolean

Boolean values are `TRUE` and `FALSE`, both uppercase and surrounded by backticks (`).


# Example
- bool 1: `TRUE`
- bool 2: `FALSE`
- not bool 1: `true`
- not bool 2: FALSE

Note that boolean values must be exact matches. Values not surrounded by batckticks or not uppercased will be stored as strings.

# List

A list is a sequence of strings, numbers, and/or boolean, in the form of:

- <key>:
  * <item>
  * <item>
  * <item>

<item> should be in separate lines, following an asterisk (*)


# Example
- list of strings:
  * item 1
  * item 2
  * item 3
- list of numbers:
  * $1$
  * $-2$
  * $3.1415926$


By default, items in lists would be joined as strings with semicolons as separators

Recall that REAM is indentation insensitive. Spaces before asterisks are not required, but two spaces are recommended.

# Example
- still a list:
* item 1
* item 2
* item 3

Empty lines between list items are allowed, but discouraged:

# Example
- still a list:
  * item 1

  * item 2
  * item 3